Extinction soup – a recipe for disaster

Extinction Soup follows documentary filmmaker Philip Waller as he is exposed to an environmental catastrophe in the making – the extinction of the oceans’ shark population through the mass slaughter of these magnificent animals for their fins.

Waller documents the efforts of conservationist Stefanie Brendl as she fights to educate lawmakers and help pass ground-breaking legislation that will curb the consumption of shark fin soup, considered a delicacy in many Eastern cultures, and the impetus behind 70 million sharks being killed per year.

For more information, please watch the trailer to the right, or visit the “Extinction Soup” website to find information about the movie and what you can do to help.

This movie is a definite wake up call, and we ALL have to do our part to stop this madness!

If you want to watch the movie right away, please use the following Vimeo link, or use one of the other links on the official Extinction Soup website.