Whole foods turkey slaughter

Here is a little wake-up call about your thanksgiving turkey!

A nine-month investigation by Direct Action Everywhere (DXE) reveals an elaborate scheme to deceive consumers about the horrific conditions at one of whole foods market’s most famous suppliers – Diestel Turkey Ranch.

DXE investigators identified horrific living conditions in the facilities where animals are raised for sale. Some of the key findings were:

Filthy, noxious, and crowded barns.
Birds, trapped in feces, which covered much of the floor, a half foot deep in some places.
Many birds with swollen eyes, swollen nostrils, open wounds and bruises.
Records showing up to 7% of birds dying in a single week.

Remember this – every time you buy whole foods turkey, you’re telling the world that you condone animal cruelty. Not only that, but you’re supporting the companies that don’t give a damn about animal welfare! Don’t you think it’s time to make a change?

If you want to know more about the DXE investigation that went on behind the scenes, click on this link to read the full report.